Words to live by

I have borrowed this poster from Elena so I will give her proper credit here. She has a very interesting blog that I hope people will look at.

I saw this on her site recently and it caused me to reflect on some of the principles that I feel are important, and how to be a good person without the constraints of religion. I gave up on the Catholic church a long time ago, but that doesnt mean that those of us that are not religious can’t have some guiding principles by which to conduct ourselves. I haven’t ever tried to codify mine but found a lot of what is said her to be helpful.

Given the current political climate I wish some of those that thought themselves to be “religious” would live by these principles.

2 comments on “Words to live by

  1. Ok, wow! While reading I was trying to find my ‘favorite’ one…. but seriously, they are ALL my favorites. Not a single one I don’t completely agree with. But Sinner….you didn’t link Elena, where can we find her?

  2. One does not need to be religious to be a good person. To be religious does not make one good. Only a persons actions define their character but their beliefs tend to back their fervid enthusiasm to do good works. Those “Words to Live By” set a wonderful tone for a life bound towards joy and filled with positivity. Cheers!

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